실시간 뉴스
  • Lefties’ Day


Aug. 13 is International Lefthanders Day, designated by Lefthanders International.

The day was first observed in 1976 to promote awareness of the inconveniences of left-handers, in a world predominantly occupied by the opposite group.

It was not until 1996 when the day was officially celebrated by the Left-Handers’ Day Club.

Ever since, Aug. 13 has been celebrated to raise awareness of the merits and demerits of the left-handed.

In a recent Korea Gallup survey, 5 percent of 1,200 adult respondents said they were left-handed. Thirty-seven percent of those who said so noted that they had felt some sort of inconvenience in their daily life.

To take a test to see how consistent you are in using either hand, visit the Lefthandersday.com website: http://www.lefthandersday.com/surveys/left-handedness-test#.U-qq2LflqZ4

By Ro Ji-woong (jamesro@heraldcorp.com)

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